Community outreach events like Girls in Aviation Day would not be possible without the generosity of our sponsors. On behalf of all of our members in Women in Aviation Boston Chapter, we thank you for considering a sponsorship with us.

Sponsorship levels
and benefits

  • Unique opportunity for one sponsor to show their commitment to the WAI Mission

    • Recognition in Girls in Aviation Day event materials including flyers and social media posts

    • Listing on the Girls in Aviation Day web page as the New Frontier Sponsor

    • Logo Placement on Girls in Aviation Day signage and T-shirts

    • Recognition in event press release and at the event

    • Recognition on the chapter website as the primary sponsor for Girls in Aviation Day 2024

    • Recognition in local Girls in Aviation Day event materials including flyers, website, and social media posts

    • Listing on facebook page as Inventor Level supporter

    • Logo placement on Girls in Aviation Day signage and T-shirts.

    • Opportunity to provide materials in event backpacks

    • Recognition in Girls in Aviation Day event materials including flyers, website, and social media posts

    • Listing on chapters facebook page as an Inspirer Level Supporter

    • Logo placement on Girls in Aviation Day signage.

    • Recognition in Girls in Aviation Day event materials including flyers, website, and social media posts.

    • Recognition on chapter Facebook page as a Dreamer level supporter

Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Email Susan Anderson at